DISC Analysis and Debrief
DISC is a simple and fun model of human behaviour, which helps un-complicate behaviour by grouping it into 4 distinct, easy to remember traits which are found universally in all people. DISC can be seen as a tool for identifying and effectively handling the different types of people which you will encounter in your work and society at large.
All people exhibit some behaviour in each dimension, however most people naturally prefer just 1 or 2 over the others. This preference is usually established at a very young age and will tend to remain consistent throughout the course of life.
At a glance, the DISC acronym stands for:
Dominance: How you approach problems and challenges.
Influence: How you interact with and attempt to influence people.
Steadiness: How you respond to the pace of the environment.
Compliance: How you respond to rules and regulations set by others.
Why is DISC Popular?
- It’s Simple: Only 4 quadrants make up the model.
- It’s a Universal Language: All people, regardless of age, race, country, culture or gender have a DISC style. It is a common language for people to better understand their own behavioural style others preferred style, and learn ways to adapt their behaviour for maximum personal effectiveness.
Key Benefits:
- Increase understanding of self and others
- Improve communication
- Build relationships
- Reduce conflict
- Build trust, cooperation and commitment
- Performance
Common Uses:
- Leadership and Management
- Team Building
- Customer Service
- Sales Effectiveness
- Recruitment and Selection
- Coaching and Mentoring
- Personal Effectiveness
All people, regardless of age, race, culture, country or gender, share similar behavioral characteristics. One person you meet might be talkative, sociable and loud, whilst the next might be quiet, shy and methodical. These behavioural quirks can make clicking with someone similar to you feel like a breeze, but for those who are not, it can make life tricky, challenging, and even exhausting at times – particularly if you have to work with them.
What’s interesting about people is that even though we are all infinitely diverse in our mix of experiences, intelligence, talents, values and beliefs, in terms of just behaviour it has been found that there are 4 common patterns that are universally shared. Over time, these 4 ‘styles’ have popularly become known as the DISC model of human behaviour.
Some people, for instance, have a strong natural preference in the D dimension and will tend to exhibit behaviour that is direct, decisive and assertive. Other people have a strong natural preference in the S dimension (the opposite of the D) and will tend to be more reserved, indirect and passive. The impact of what this means to you is that the D and the S are living in completely different “communication universes” and are galaxies
apart in terms of how you should go about interacting with them.
Think of it like landing on a planet on which there live only 4 native tribes, each with a distinctly separate language and acceptable customs. By doing a particular thing that is celebrated in ‘D land’ may actually be perceived as a criminal act in ‘S land.
Only by spending time with each of the tribes, carefully observing, and then taking steps to act in a similar way, will you discover that those people will embrace you as one of their own.
It may sound simplistic at first, but the truth of human communication is that since the dawn of our species there have always existed only 4 core behavioural styles, and adapting your behaviour to suit another’s primary style will dramatically enhance your ability to communicate with them. And that’s DISC in a nutshell.